

Clients  often complain about the slow reaction of the technical support team and their bad communication with the sales team, can this be solved?

Yes, this is a sign of a non-functioning communication process with a client (one of many processes existing in a company). One of the possible solutions to this issue is to carry out a local or  global process audit focused on the evaluation of cohesion and links amongst individual processes. The result of the audit will be a set of suggested adjustments, all within the context of the specific needs of the company. In this particular case, the following indicators are being assessed: who passes the information about a client?s query on to technical support, to whom this information is passed, in which way the information is passed, how this information is processed, where additional information is searched for (which products/services the client has purchased, history), reaction process (suggestion of how to handle the issue), who contacts the client, how this issue is logged for future follow up (entry in the client?s history, entry in the database of reoccurring issues).

The goal of the process audit is to identify the reserves in the effectiveness and cohesion of individual processes within the company. The analysis of the inputs and outputs of individual processes that are interconnected will reveal if the delays or miscommunication are caused; e.g. due to the fact that one  party expects to receive  information or data from another party , who is not aware that he/she should pass this information further, or this activity is not coordinated at all.

Part of the audit is also an assessment of the utilization of individual employees from the equability point of view, which should disclose existing "bottle necks".

As part of the process audit, among others, we offer you the following services:

  • analysis of the cohesion and interconnection of individual processes (are outputs of one process at the same time inputs for another ?)
  • summary of utilization of individual parts of the company/employees
  • creation or review of a process map
  • optimization/re-engineering of selected processes

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